Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tumbling review

Caught in the air, just loving what she does!

Interested in a free photoshoot?

For those of you interested in a free photoshoot, I am looking for people to shoot! Please post your contact information here, or text me at 801-663-6745. I will be providing free shoots by appointment only in the Ogden/Salt Lake City areas. This will be by appointment only.

Graduation photography

Recently I had the honor of photographing this beautiful young lady. I just love the way her Indian heritage comes out in these pictures.

Studio pics

I love taking pictures of children! They are all so beautiful and unique in their own right. Recital and review time is here. Need some photography for your little one in her dance/tumbling costume? Check this little cutie out!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spooky House

So, yesterday I was driving down 1900 just off of the freeway in Ogden, when I came across this awesome spooky house. I found out that it is used for a Haunted House at Halloween. What a perfect place to do photos for Halloween. This was also my first attempt at adding lightning to photos in photoshop.
